H2 2022 / JULY – DECEMBER 2022


The following pertains to NEW ELECTRICAL manufacturers and product lines sourced in the past SIX months.



Additional NEW Manufacturers/Lines:
Manufacturer/Line | Industry | Products |
Alfa Tools | Industrial Supply, Tools | 16,442 |
Allied Machine & Engineering | Industrial Automation | 15,828 |
Amphenol Sine Systems | Electrical, Electronic Components | 8,326 |
Ancra Cargo | Industrial Automation | 41 |
Arroyo Craftsman | Lighting | 98,270 |
Capital Lighting Fixture Company | Lighting | 350 |
ControlAir | Industrial Automation | 16 |
Dare Products | Electronic Components, Utility | 377 |
Dormer Pramet | Industrial Automation | 30,970 |
Dynacom Corporation | Electrical | 133 |
EcoFasten | Electrical, Solar | 6 |
Engineered Products Company | Industrial Gas & Welding, Industrial Automation, Lighting | 41 |
Forty West Designs | Electrical, Lighting | 801 |
Framburg | Lighting | 2,153 |
Generation Lighting | Lighting | 1,982 |
Harvey Tool | Industrial Supply, Tools | 27,522 |
Hitachi Data Comm Cable | Electrical | 29 |
House of Troy | Lighting | 1,916 |
Kobalt | Industrial Supply, Tools | 91 |
La Crosse Technology | Electrical | 19 |
Master Fluid Solutions | Industrial Gas & Welding, Utility, Medical Devices, Pipe Valve & Fitting | 361 |
Metabo HPT | Industrial Gas & Welding, Industrial Automation, Construction | 275 |
Minka Group | Lighting | 509 |
Monte Carlo | Utility | 714 |
Native Trails | Lighting | 626 |
Noshok | Industrial Automation | 7,053 |
PHD Manufacturing | Electrical, Industrial Supply | 244 |
Power Sonic | Industrial Automation | 123 |
ProPulse | Industrial Gas & Welding, Industrial Automation | 14 |
Regina Andrew | Lighting | 746 |
Revelation | Electrical, Lighting | 937 |
ROSS Controls | Industrial Automation | 24,859 |
Socomec | Electrical | 971 |
Specified Technologies | Electrical, Construction | 216 |
United Gilsonite Laboratories | Utility | 257 |
Usco | Electrical | 12 |
Van Air Systems | Industrial Automation | 392 |
Visual Comfort & Co | Electrical, Lighting | 14,158 |
WIKA | Industrial Gas & Welding, Industrial Automation, Pipe Valve & Fitting | 1,746 |
NEW SKUs from Existing MFRs/Lines:
Manufacturer/Line | Industry | Products |
3M | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Medical Devices, Safety | 4,321 |
Acme Electric | Electrical | 52 |
Acuity Brands | Lighting | 2 |
adorne | Electrical | 8 |
American Lighting | Lighting | 658 |
American Polywater | Electrical | 9 |
Anderson | Electrical | 7 |
APC | Electrical | 278 |
Arlington Industries | Electrical | 6 |
Barron Lighting Group | Lighting | 9 |
Belden | Electrical | 14,337 |
BELL | Electrical | 1 |
Black & Decker | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 49 |
Burndy | Electrical | 252 |
Cablofil | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 3,577 |
Chalmit Lighting | Lighting | 7 |
Chance | Electrical | 53 |
CHANNELLOCK | Tools | 80 |
Chatsworth Products | Electrical | 1,013 |
CMC | Electrical | 7 |
Corona Tools | Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 30 |
Craftmade Lighting | Lighting | 1,661 |
DEWALT | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 608 |
Enerpac | Electrical | 1,463 |
Fargo | Electrical | 2 |
Festool | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Safety | 308 |
Generac Power Systems | Electrical, Industrial Supply | 340 |
Greenlee | Electrical | 48 |
Halo | Lighting | |
Hawke | Electrical | 36 |
Hipotronics | Electrical | 1 |
HMS Networks | Electronic Components, Industrial Automation | 8 |
Honeywell | Electrical | 1,468 |
Hubbell Premise Wiring | Electrical | 408 |
Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems | Electrical | 18 |
Ipex | Electrical, Plumbing, Industrial Supply | 2,433 |
IRWIN | Industrial Supply, Tools | 297 |
Jonard Tools | Tools | 873 |
Juno Lighting | Lighting | 69 |
Killark | Electrical | 96 |
Klein Tools | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Tools, Electrical, Industrial Supply, Tools | 91 |
Kraloy | Electrical | 841 |
Laird | Electrical, Electronic Components | 180 |
Lenox | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 137 |
Leviton | Electrical | 227 |
Lithonia Lighting | Lighting | 80 |
Lutron | Electrical | 267 |
Maple Systems | Industrial Automation | 38 |
Maxim Lighting | Lighting | 2,392 |
MaxLite | Lighting | 41 |
Metalux | Lighting | 9 |
Milwaukee | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Tools | 233 |
Minerallac | Electrical | 88 |
Modular Wiring Systems | Lighting | 1 |
Nuvo Lighting | Lighting | 126 |
nVent Caddy | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 114 |
nVent Erico | Electrical | 68 |
nVent Hoffman | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 135 |
nVent Raychem | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 62 |
nVent Schroff | Electrical, Industrial Automation, Electrical, Industrial Automation | 284 |
Ohio Brass | Electrical | 66 |
Panduit | Electrical | 525 |
Pass & Seymour | Electrical | 37 |
Porter-Cable | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 67 |
Portfolio | Lighting | 58 |
Quazite | Electrical | 8 |
RACO | Electrical | 18 |
Radians | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Construction | 1 |
radiant | Electrical | 28 |
Rockwell Automation | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 9,682 |
Satco | Lighting | 96 |
Schneider Electric | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 5,388 |
Schneider Electric (Canada) | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 965 |
Sea Gull Lighting | Lighting | 2,639 |
Siemens | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 13,371 |
Stanley | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 18 |
Sure-Lites | Lighting | 7 |
TAYMAC | Electrical | 1 |
Tork Time Clocks & Photo Controls | Electrical | 263 |
Trinetics | Electrical | 5 |
Vanco | Electrical | 276 |
WAGO | Electric, Industrial Automation | 417 |
WaveLinx | Lighting | 2 |
Wiegmann | Electrical | 1 |
Wiremold | Electrical | 13 |
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The following pertains to existing ELECTRICAL manufacturers and product lines that DDS has UPDATED in the past SIX months.



Additional REFRESHED MFRs/Lines:
Manufacturer/Line | Industry | Products |
3M | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Medical Devices, Safety | 60,940 |
Acme Electric | Electrical | 2,854 |
adorne | Electrical | 547 |
Advance Engineering Corporation | Electrical | 6 |
Allen-Bradley | Industrial Automation | 1,153 |
American Lighting | Lighting | 21 |
American Polywater | Electrical | 304 |
Anderson | Electrical | 3,358 |
APC | Electrical | 4,923 |
Arlington Industries | Electrical | 2,051 |
AtLite | Lighting | 49 |
B-Line | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 22,614 |
Barron Lighting Group | Lighting | 25 |
Beacon | Electrical | 2 |
BELL | Electrical | 351 |
Bellingham Glove | Electrical, Industrial Supply | 9 |
Black & Decker | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 767 |
Bryant | Electrical | 7,518 |
Burndy | Electrical | 16,647 |
Bussmann | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 5,401 |
Cablofil | Electrical | 1,770 |
Chalmit Lighting | Lighting | 18 |
Chance | Electrical | 12,789 |
CHANNELLOCK | Tools | 187 |
Chatsworth Products | Electrical | 11,890 |
Clevertronics | Electrical, Lighting | 11 |
CMC | Electrical | 2,651 |
Columbia Lighting | Lighting | 339 |
Comcore | Electrical | 34 |
Compass Products | Electrical | 151 |
Cooper Lighting Solutions | Lighting | 260 |
Cooper Utility Products | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 4 |
Cooper Wiring Devices | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 73 |
Craftmade Lighting | Lighting | 1,901 |
Crossfire | Electrical, Industrial Supply | 192 |
Crouse-Hinds | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 16,123 |
Cutler-Hammer | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 376 |
DEWALT | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 6,246 |
Dual-Lite | Electrical | 332 |
Eaton | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 209,779 |
Edison | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 3,359 |
Electro Composites | Electrical | 1,377 |
Enerpac | Electrical | 3,671 |
Ephesus | Lighting | 1 |
Fail-Safe | Lighting | 12 |
Fargo | Electrical | 2,236 |
Gai-Tronics | Electrical | 1,069 |
Gas Breaker | Electrical | 298 |
Generac Power Systems | Electrical, Industrial Supply | 64 |
Gleason Reel | Electrical | 3,531 |
Greengate | Lighting | 209 |
Greenlee | Electrical | 2,760 |
Halo | Lighting | 2,101 |
Hawke | Electrical | 2 |
Hipotronics | Electrical | 54 |
HMS Networks | Electronic Components, Industrial Automation | 115 |
Homestyle Lighting | Lighting | 65 |
Honeywell | Electrical | 3,493 |
Hot Box | Electrical | 431 |
Hubbell | Electrical | 1,463 |
Hubbell Industrial Controls | Electrical | 1,623 |
Hubbell Industrial Lighting | Lighting | 1 |
Hubbell Outdoor Lighting | Lighting | 221 |
Hubbell Premise Wiring | Electrical | 7,850 |
Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems | Electrical | 16,888 |
Implo | Electrical | 151 |
Intermatic | Electrical | 811 |
Iota Emergency Lighting | Lighting | 2 |
Ipex | Electrical, Plumbing, Industrial Supply | 13,836 |
IRiS | Lighting | 38 |
IRWIN | Industrial Supply, Tools | 484 |
Jonard Tools | Tools | 1 |
Juno Lighting | Lighting | 43 |
Killark | Electrical | 12,165 |
Kim Lighting | Lighting | 46 |
Kindorf | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 3 |
Manufacturer/Line | Industry | Products |
Klein Tools | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Tools | 427 |
Kopex-Ex | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 5 |
Kraloy | Electrical | 1 |
Laird | Electrical, Electronic Components | 3,762 |
Lenox | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 316 |
Leviton | Electrical | 11,889 |
Lithonia Lighting | Lighting | 128 |
Lumark | Lighting | 241 |
Lumiere | Lighting | 44 |
Lyall | Electrical | 90 |
Maple Systems | Industrial Automation | 46 |
Maxim Lighting | Lighting | 1,632 |
MaxLite | Lighting | 2,683 |
McGraw-Edison | Lighting | 20 |
Metalux | Lighting | 899 |
Metron | Electrical | 31 |
Milwaukee | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Tools | 8,145 |
Minerallac | Electrical | 1,159 |
Modular Wiring Systems | Lighting | 36 |
Neese | Electrical, Industrial Supply | 1,841 |
NuVo | Electrical | 5 |
Nuvo Lighting | Lighting | 5,980 |
nVent Caddy | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 8,511 |
nVent Erico | Electrical | 4,863 |
nVent Eriflex | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 1,462 |
nVent Hoffman | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 17,817 |
nVent NuHeat | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 158 |
nVent Pyrotenax | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 293 |
nVent Raychem | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 1,756 |
nVent Schroff | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 7,481 |
Ocal | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 13 |
Ohio Brass | Electrical | 2,532 |
On-Q | Electrical | 895 |
Optiloop | Electrical | 31 |
Panduit | Electrical | 27,581 |
Pass & Seymour | Electrical | 7,870 |
Pcore Electric | Electrical | 768 |
Pencell Plastics | Electrical | 440 |
Polycast | Electrical | 143 |
Porter-Cable | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 394 |
Portfolio | Lighting | 182 |
Power Sentry | Lighting | 1 |
Powerohm | Electrical | 3,328 |
Prescolite | Electrical | 355 |
Progress Lighting | Lighting | 4,891 |
Proto | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 6,428 |
Quazite | Electrical | 1,427 |
RACO | Electrical | 1,998 |
Radians | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Construction | 2,254 |
radiant | Electrical | 597 |
Radwear USA | Electrical, Industrial Supply | 213 |
Reuel | Electrical | 45 |
Rig-Power | Electrical | 132 |
Rockwell Automation | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 123,459 |
Schneider Electric | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 59,985 |
Schneider Electric (Canada) | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 60,415 |
Sea Gull Lighting | Lighting | 1,961 |
Sensor Switch Motion Controls | Lighting | 11 |
Sick | Industrial Automation | 4,375 |
Siemens | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 50,874 |
Stanley | Electrical, Industrial Supply, Industrial Gas & Welding, Tools | 1,404 |
Steel City | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 3 |
Streetworks | Lighting | 1 |
Sure-Lites | Lighting | 387 |
TAYMAC | Electrical | 673 |
Thermoweld Grounding Systems | Electrical | 3,083 |
Thomas & Betts | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 412 |
Tork Time Clocks & Photo Controls | Electrical | 10 |
Trinetics | Electrical | 94 |
Vanco | Electrical | 1,706 |
Vision Aid | Electrical, Industrial Supply | 15 |
WAGO | Electrical, Industrial Automation | 29,113 |
WaveLinx | Lighting | 36 |
Wiegmann | Electrical | 4,767 |
Wiremold | Electrical | 9,248 |
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Here is a sneak peek at just a few of the ELECTRICAL manufacturers/lines whose product content we are already working to either add or update this quarter: